Lecture Concert

글렌굴드 - 모차르트

미뉴엣♡ 2015. 7. 7. 19:56

           ●★ W. A. Mozart - Piano Sonata N.11 in A Major K.331 ★●


                                              Andante grazioso


                                              Alla turca - Rondo


                              ((Plays the Piano by Glenn Gould))








  ■ Mozart:Piano Sonata in A K.331 ■


The first two bars of Sonata in A, K331.  Play
Beginning of the third movement










The Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major,

K. 331 (300i), by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a piano sonata in three movements. It is uncertain where and when Mozart composed the sonata; however, Vienna or Salzburg around 1783 is currently thought to be most likely (Paris and dates as far back as 1778 have also been suggested).




All sound files are based on MIDI files from the Mutopia Project unless otherwise specified.
  1. Andante grazioso – a theme with six variations
  2. Menuetto – a minuet and trio
  3. Alla Turca – Allegretto

All of the movements are in the key of A major or A minor; therefore, the work is homotonal. A typical performance of this entire sonata takes about 20 minutes.[1]

The last movement, "Alla Turca", popularly known as the "Turkish Rondo", is often heard on its own and is one of Mozart's best-known piano pieces; it was Mozart himself who titled the rondo "Alla Turca".[2] It imitates the sound of Turkish Janissary bands, the music of which was much in vogue at that time. Various other works of the time imitate this Turkish style, including Mozart's own opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail. In Mozart's time, the last movement was sometimes performed on pianos built with a "Turkish stop", allowing it to be embellished with extra percussion effects. The third movement is related to the first one, because its beginning can be seen as an additional variation of the theme of the first movement, varied in the Janissary style.


Relationships to later compositions



  1. ^ Robins, Brian. Piano Sonata No. 11 in A Major ("Alla Turca") K. 331 (K. 300i) at Allmusic. Retrieved 1 June 2011.
  2. ^ John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano: The Fifth Grade Book. The Willis Music Company; Cincinnati, OH, 1952.
















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