Lecture Concert

Sir Simon Rattle~

미뉴엣♡ 2015. 7. 12. 20:03

                      ●★ Johannes Brahms : Symphony No.1 in c Op.68 ★●  


                                  ● Un poco sostenuto-Allegro

                                  ● Andante s o s t e n u t o

                                  ● Un poco Allegro e grazioso

                                  ● Adagio piu Andante Allegro

                                      non troppo ma c o n b r i o 


                    ((Plays by Berliner Philharmoniker & Simon Rattle))






                                         ● Sir Simon Rattle(1955- Liverpool England) ●



               Sir Simon Rattle was born in Liverpool and studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London.


               Between 1980 and 1998, Rattle  was Principal Conductor and Artistic Adviser of the City of


               Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, then Music Director. He toured and recorded extensively


               with them and also conducted leading orchestras in London, the USA and Europe, enjoying a


               close collaboration with the Boston Symphony Orchestra for many years and in more recent


               seasons, with the Philadelphia Orchestra. He is a regular guest conductor of the Vienna


               Philharmonic, with which he has recorded the complete Beethoven symphonies and piano con


               certos (with Alfred Brendel) and is also a Principal Artist of the Orchestra of the Age of


               Enlightenment and  Founding Patron of Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. Following his


               1977 Glyndebourne Festival Opera debut, he conducted many productions there, and a series


               for Netherlands Opera. Other notable debuts included English National Opera (1985), his


               US opera debut in Los Angeles (1988), Royal Opera House (1990) and Theatre du Chatelet,


               Paris (1996). Simon Rattle enjoyed a 15-year collaboration with the Berliner Philharmoniker


               prior to became its Chief Conductor and Artistic Director in September 2002. As well as fulf


               illing a taxing concert schedule in Berlin, the partnership tours extensively, and has


               garnered many awards for its recordings and pioneering educational work. Concert programs 


               cover a broad spectrum, from Bach and Rameau to figures such as Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart,


               and Brahms, to contemporary composers such as Ades, Berio, Boulez, Grisey, Gubaidulina,


               Lindberg, and Turnage. The Berliner Philharmoniker has for many years had close links with


               the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela and, since his appointment, Simon Rattle has


               led two projects in Venezuela. His 2007/2008 season included OAE, Philadelphia Orchestra


               and Vienna Philharmonic ; and Pelleas et Melisandefor his Deutsche  Staatsoper Berlin debut


               production. together with the Berliner Philharmonike r's 125th birthday celebrations, Berlin


               in Lights, (a 10-day Carnegie  Hall residency), a Scandinavian tour and the BBC Proms. At


               the Salzburg Easter Festival, of which he is Artistic Director, Rattle has conducted staged


               productions of Fidelio, Cosi fan tutte, Peter Grimes and Pelleas et Melisande, a concert


               performance of Idomeneo and a wide range of concert programmes, all with the Berliner Phil


               harmoniker. In 2007, he also conducted a much-praised revival of Pelleas et Melisande for


               the Royal Opera House. He is currently conducting Wagner's complete Ring Cycle with the


               Berliner Philharmoniker for the Aix-en-Provence and Salzburg Easter Festivals. The cycle


               began with Das Rheingold in Aix in 2006 and will conclude at the 2010 Salzburg Easter Festi


               val. In addition to these long-term projects, recent seasons have included Far East and


               European tours with Berliner Philharmoniker ; projects with Vienna Philharmonic, Rotterdam


               Philharmonic, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and the Philadelphia Orchestra. 2007/


               2008 also included the 'Berliner Philharmoniker's 125th birthday celebrations', Berlin in


               Lights, (a 10-day Carnegie Hall residency), a Scandinavian tour and the BBC Proms and two


               visits to his birthplace, Liverpool, for concerts with the Berliner Philharmoniker and


               with Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, as part of the city's celebrations as the 2008 European


               Capital of Culture. An exclusive EMI artist for many years,  Rattle has made over 70 recor


               dings for the label, and has received numerous prestigious international awards. Releases


               with Berliner Philharmoniker include Holst's The Planets, together with Colin Matthews'


               recently - written Pluto, and the world premiere recordings of further 'asteroids' by Saari


               aho, Pintscher, Turnage and Dean ; Shostakovich Symphonies  Nos. 1 and 14 ; Richard Stra


               uss' Ein Heldenleben and le Bourgeois Gentilhomme suite ; Debussy's La mer; Dvorak Tone


               Poems ; Schubert's Symphony No. 9; Carl Orff's Carmina Burana ; Bruckner Symphony No.4,


               the Nielsen Clarinet and Flute concertos; and Brahms Requiem with Roschmann and Quasthoff,


               which won Best Choral Recording at the 2007 Gramophone Awards. His most recent releases


               are Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalm s, Berlioz'Symphonie fantastique and Ravel's L'enfant et


               les sortileges . Forthcoming opera includes productions in Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna and


               North America and extensive touring with the Berliner Philharmoniker as well as projects


               with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Wiener Philharmoniker and the Philadelphia


               Orchestra. Simon Rattle was knighted in 1994 by the Queen of England, and has received many


               other distinctions, in recognition of his artistic activities. In 1996, he was awarded the


               Shakespeare Prize by the Toepfer Foundation in Hamburg, and in 1997, the Albert Medal of


               the Royal Society of Arts. Since taking up his appointment  with the Berliner Philharmoniker,


               he has broken new ground with the educational programme 'Zukunft@Bphil'. This has also


               earned him the 2004 Comenius Prize, the Schiller Special Prize from the city of Mannheim in


               May 2005, the Golden Camera and the Urania Medal in Spring 2007. He and the Berliner Philha


               rmoniker were also appointed International 'UNICEF Ambassadors', the first time this honour


               has been conferred on an artistic ensemble. The formal  appointment took place in November


               2007 in  New York before the performance of the dance project, The Rite of Spring, at the


               United Palace Theater in Harlem, which formed part of Carnegie Hall's Berlin in Lights Festival.




                                                          보도자료 - EMI 제공 ●




                      ■ Johannes Brahms : Symphony No.1 in c Op.68 ■




                          브람스는 단 4곡의 교향곡을 남겼지만 그의 많은 작품가운데 중요하고


                          핵심적인것이 1번 교향곡이라 할 수 있다. 한스폰 뷜로는 이 작품을


                          베토벤의 제 10번 교향곡이라 하면서 제 9번 교향곡 다음가는 명작이라


                          말할 수 있을 정도로 베토벤 정신이 담긴 작품이다.



                          이 곡을 표현하는 '암흑에서 광명'을 또는 '고난을 극복하고 승리로


                          이끌어올리는 투쟁정신과 같은 말도 베토벤의 작품과 일맥상통한다고


                          했습니다' 《베토벤 교향곡 9번》과 브람스 제 1번 교향곡과는 52년


                          이라는 시간적인 거리가 있어 작곡 기교면에서도 복잡하고 기교적인


                          변화가 많은것입니다. 함부르크 지방 자연환경의 영향을 받은 듯 한


                          북구의 어둡고 흐린 면이 있습니다.

                          음악적인 내용에 있어서는 새로운 낭만주의자로서 새로움이 느껴지는


                          작품으로 브람스가 22세때 슈만에게 보낸 편지에 교향곡 1번을 쓰기


                          시작했다고했는데 구상에서 완성까지 무려 21년이나 걸려 1876년(43)


                          완성한 요하네스브람스 첫 교향곡 작품입니다.

                          위대한 교향곡 작곡가 '베토벤'을 의식하여 작곡에 신중을 기했으므로


                          이와같은 장구한 시간이 걸린 듯 하다. 전곡중 4악장 서주, 혼 주제에


                          이어서 바이올린에 의한 제1주제는 꼭 브람스의 팬이 아니더라도 모든


                          인류가 영원히 기억하고 사랑하는 명작이며 명주제 부분이다.



